
    1. Introduction 課程概覽

    2. Notes 2.1 Position and Movement 筆記 - 位置與移動

    1. 1. Position, Distance and Displacement 位置、距離和位移

    2. Example 例題 1.1

    1. 2. Scalars and Vectors 標量和矢量

    2. 2.1 Vectors along a straight line 直線上的矢量

    3. 2.2 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors on a plane 平面上的矢量加減

    4. Example 例題 2.1

    1. 3. Speed and velocity 速率和速度

    2. 3.1 Average Speed and Average Velocity 平均速率和平均速度

    3. 3.2 Instantaneous Speed and Instantaneous Velocity 瞬時速率和瞬時速度

    4. Example 例題 3.1

    5. Example 例題 3.2

    1. 4. Acceleration 加速度

    2. 4.1 The Direction of Acceleration 加速度的方向

    3. Example 例題 4.1

    4. Example 例題 5.1

    1. 5.1 Displacement-time graph (s-t graph) 位移-時間線圖

    2. 5.2 Velocity-time graph (v-t graph) 速度-時間線圖

    3. 5.3 Acceleration-time graph (a-t graph) 加速度-時間線圖

    4. 5.4 The Relationship between s-t, v-t and a-t graphs s-t、v-t 和 a-t 線圖的關係

    5. Example 例題 6.1

    6. Example 例題 6.2

    7. Example 例題 6.3

    8. Example 例題 7.1

    9. Example 例題 7.2

    10. Example 例題 8.1


  • $469.00
  • 28頁中Eng對照PDF筆記 (連22題例題+題解)
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  • 90日內無限任睇


“評分:5/5 - "🙈本身上緊F&M嘅course 但去到Fluid resistance開始唔get點解phrase 1""v=0 a>0"" (嗰時對v同a有misconception 睇返書但係都唔明 所以決定報埋呢一個course😂) 直到喺呢個course講返 s v a嘅關係 先發現自己對3者嘅概念完全係錯誤理解 尤其係之前st vt at graph識啲又唔識啲 上完呢個course即刻明返曬 同埋無諗過""貓捉老鼠""嘅題目原來用vt graph做到之餘 仲要係做得快好多 亦好開心yam sir 您會教埋每樣嘢背後嘅原理 點解會出現呢樣嘢 呢樣嘢點樣嚟 平時如果問學校老師點解要用呢個方法 都會話你記咗佢啦 或者話outc唔會考唔洗理 但係Yam Sir您唔會咁做 而係真係好深入講解每樣嘢 例如會講解條式係點推算岀嚟 亦會畀比啲接近AL難度嘅題目 等我哋完全理解到成個topic噏乜 樣樣嘢都融會貫通到 如果嗰樣嘢未學到會點到即止 一啲抽象概念就會用生活情景將佢形象化 真心比學校阿Sir講得清楚好多 多謝教導!"”

“評分:5/5 - "This course was very helpful in reviewing and consolidating what I've learnt. I really appreciate the techniques in problem solving that wasn't mentioned at school. The concepts were explained well too. Could we have courses on wave motion to clear up concepts and enhance my understanding before school starts in September? I think it will be even better to have more difficult questions in your courses too. Thanks a lot!!"”

“評分:4/5 - I noticed the videos you made on youtube are more funny than this, these course videos are more formal and lecture style. Still very useful and clear, but I hope if you could provide and explain more examples, it would be much better.”

“評分:4/5 - 課程既内容都好詳細同準確,但是希望例題解釋再深入解釋多dd”

5 星級


Tyson Chen